Coming in 2024

Music and Play by YURBY

"Letters to My Sisters" is a meticulously crafted musical set within the historically significant VanCourtlant Park. This park, once a plantation during the 1600s through the 1800s, stands today as a testament to the period marked by the institution of slavery.

Taking place between 1748-1758, the musical unfolds within the VanCourtlant House, nestled within the park's grounds. It revolves around the lives of five enslaved women from diverse cultural backgrounds, artfully portraying their struggles and triumphs amidst the hardships of slavery.

Throughout the narrative, "Letters to My Sisters" beautifully showcases the dreams, hopes, and aspirations of these women, illuminating their yearning for a life beyond their current circumstances. Central to their experiences is the power of love, both in its romantic and platonic forms, as well as their profound longing to connect with something greater than themselves. Employing music, dance, folk tales, and written words, the musical skillfully captures the myriad emotions, stories, and sources of solace shared by the characters.

By shedding light on the historical realities of slavery, particularly as it impacted the lives of enslaved women, "Letters to My Sisters" offers a poignant exploration of the indomitable human spirit in the face of adversity. The production aims to engage and captivate audiences, fostering empathy, understanding, and deep reflection on the significance of this pivotal era. The inclusion of VanCourtlant Park as the backdrop adds an authentic and tangible connection to the past, compelling spectators to ruminate on the enduring legacies that resonate to this day.